• Technology
  • 2021-06-08

Travel Agencies: What are your pain points?

Oh yes, the effect of Covid-19 to our industry was massive, but all around the world the situation is getting slightly better and the business is about to return. The level and the speed of recovery differ by region. In the sub-Sahara region we expect things to change quite soon. If you e.g. look into Nigeria, especially the domestic market … read more

  • Newsletter
  • 2020-12-30

Goodbye 2020, we will not miss you…

Robert Ambroise

Dear Colleagues and friends,

For all the pain and misery that the pandemic has brought to our sector, 2020 is not a year that we will miss but its impact is long lasting and will be remembered for a long time.

As I write, we do not even know if, or … read more

  • Newsletter
  • 2020-12-01

This is the time to re-view your internal processes

Dear Colleagues and friends,

This year has been a really tough year with COVID-19 affecting our lives as well as our businesses, like no crisis before, as far as we can remember.

Local travel is down by up to 80%, regional and international travel is down by 99% due to the travel restrictions – i … read more

  • Blog
  • 2020-07-21

Focus on Technology – Service Center

It is a crisis, yes it really is. And even after more than 40 years in the travel industry, involved on almost all continents, I cannot remember a crisis of such a depth. And we all are shocked; and it is justified that we are shocked. In comparison, Lehman Bros. in 2008 as well as 9/11 in 2001 did not have such an impact on the world economy an … read more

  • Blog
  • 2020-06-20

Stay active on Social Media!

It is a crisis, yes it really is. And even after more than 40 years in the travel industry, involved on almost all continents, I cannot remember a crisis of such a depth. And we all are shocked; and it is justified that we are shocked. In comparison, Lehman Bros. in 2008 as well as 9/11 in 2001 did not have such an impact on the world econo … read more

  • Blog
  • 2020-05-20

Heads up, think positive, lead by example and rebuild your business!

It is a crisis, yes it really is. And even after more than 40 years in the travel industry, involved on almost all continents, I cannot remember a crisis of such a depth. And we all are shocked; and it is justified that we are shocked. In comparison, Lehman Bros. in 2008 as well as 9/11 in 2001 did not have such an impact on the world econo … read more

  • Newsletter
  • 2019-12-13

Its almost time

Dear Travel Agency Owners and Managers,

It’s been a long road and a tough year, we know.  The travel industry is everchanging and keeping up requires endurance and insight.

But now, it’s time to focus on the family and enjoy the festive season.  Let your hair down and bond with loved ones, giving your body and mind so … read more

  • Technology
  • 2019-12-06

Bookings for ALL types of airlines available on our system!

Our web-based system aggregates all airlines, including all GDS’s.

  • Newsletter
  • 2019-11-28

How do you manage your sale margins?

Dear Travel Agency Owners and Managers,

Are you struggling to ensure your travel consultants maintain the sale margins you have set?

Is this manual process causing you early grey hair and loss of income?

travelcenter.africa® is designed to let you define your sales margins, automating a minimum percentage, s … read more

  • Technology
  • 2019-11-28

Manage Your Sales Margins!

travelcenter.africa® is designed to let you define your sales margins, automating a minimum percentage, so that ALL travel consultants automatically process invoices with these defined margins.

  • Technology
  • 2019-11-20

We eliminate ADM’s!

travelcenter.africa® has a technique that will ensure the avoidance of ADMs!  Our algorithms hunt and destroy errors, fraud and miscalculations, resulting in profit margin savings which are worth more than our software fees!

  • Newsletter
  • 2019-11-14

Do digital payment platforms cause you anxiety?

We have partnerships to benefit you!

Do payment platforms you deal with struggle with the currency of your choice?

Eroding your profit margins through errors, fraud or miscalculations cause serious damage.  Not one travel agency owner in the world can afford agency debit memos on a monthly basis.Are cross border paym … read more

  • Technology
  • 2019-11-08

Our just-in-time activity checklist serves a dual purpose of cross selling & great customer service

No longer will travel consultants forget to offer add-on services or overlook market intelligence after-service surveys, due to sales euphoria.  Our software will automatically alert them all the time, every time, about accommodation, car rental, car insurance, tours and so much more.

  • Technology
  • 2019-11-01

We provide online data with no manual handling required from front through mid and back office:

Do you believe accurate data with no manual interference is a 22nd century concept?  Not true; travelcenter.africa® provides you with online data where no manual handling is required.  No data errors; no data loss.  Viva travelcenter.africa®’s web-based system!

  • Newsletter
  • 2019-10-31

Getting the basics right with travelcenter.africa®

To All Travel Agency Owners and Managers...

You all know that if the foundation of your business falters, its stability, growth and very existence are in jeopardy.

Eroding your profit margins through errors, fraud or miscalculations cause serious damage.  Not one travel agency owner in the world can afford agency deb … read more

  • Technology
  • 2019-10-25

Comms reports make good relationships better:

Staying in touch with clients is half the battle won. Our software runs reports AND alerts you on incorrect prefixes and suffixes of mobile numbers and point out inaccurate domain names of email addresses in your database of contacts.

  • Newsletter
  • 2019-10-19

Are you looking for software that makes sales & marketing a breeze?

To All Travel Agency Owners and Managers...

Do incorrect client details loaded on your system feel like pouring rain on your hair after you walk out of the salon?
Frustrated, irritated and ready to call the Universe to order for not being on your side!

Look no further than travelcenter.africa® for a solution. … read more

  • Newsletter
  • 2019-10-01

Creating a credit card savvy Travel Agency

To All Travel Agency Owners and Managers...

Is protecting your clients credit card data as easy as enjoying Jollof rice?

Do you get anxious using insecure payment methods that places client data at risk? Are you challenged by IATA’s PCI DSS compatibility requirements?

travelcenter.africa® software is PCI D … read more

  • Newsletter
  • 2019-09-17

Discover a “no-brainer” advantage for your travel agency with travelcenter.africa(R)

To All Travel Agency Owners and Managers...

Are you so engrossed in your day to day operations that long term activities are all but forgotten?

With travelcenter.africa®functionality, you won’t run around trying to renew airline contracts at the last minute.

Our system alerts you when your airl … read more

  • Newsletter
  • 2019-09-03

Reduce the total cost of ownership, increase your sales activities!

Your Travel Agency can reduce overall business expenses, increase sales activities and improve revenue through travelcenter.africa®’s software.

One of the problems faced by all African travel agencies is that accountants can never accurately identify the latest monthly profits due to manual processes resulting … read more

  • Newsletter
  • 2019-07-25

Would you like to reduce risk and take back your revenue?

Would you like to reduce risk and take back your revenue?

Peter managed travel agencies in Zambia, Mauritius and Nigeria for a number of years. Common to many agencies across the continent, he experienced a lack of automation and obsolete manual proc … read more

  • Newsletter
  • 2019-06-24

The logic for travelcenter.africa®’s end-to-end solution

Let‘s verify last week’s statement that travelcenter.africa® is able to solve travel agency problems, with a sample of our solution offering.

Front Office:

Problem: A complex, detailed system of codes to remember; a cryptic, DOS based interface to master.  Manual financial processes result in lost source … read more

  • Newsletter
  • 2019-06-11

We understand the difficulties your agency faces managing a business in the Travel Industry...

...and we can help you solve them!

We know training can be difficult for travel agents. A complex, detailed system of codes to remember; a cryptic, DOS based interface to master. Invoicing, receipting and reporting i … read more

  • Travelcenter.africa
  • 2019-02-27

FlyBoku riding high with travelcenter.africa®!

In the third week of 2019, our CVO Peter Hallebach, stopped off in Lagos, Nigeria, for an implementation session of travelcenter.africa® software for one of the largest OTA’s (Online Travel Agencies) in the country. FlyBoku is a branch of Ashton & Dave Travels in Lagos with offices located on Victoria Island.

read more

  • Technology
  • 2019-02-23

5 tips on how to maintain IT infrastructure stability for your travel business

You’re reliant on software to maintain productivity in all sections of your travel business, so down time is a scenario you can least afford!

Are you always playing the ping-pong blame game between your internet service provider and your network administrator when your internet link is the drama queen of intermittent functionality?
read more

  • Newsletter
  • 0000-00-00

Easy Sale, Easy Customer Care

As a Travel Agency Manager, the standard challenge Peter faced, along with other industry leaders, revolved around revenue growth.  The solution involved more air ticket sales.  A limited and competitive market did not produce the required growth.

Peter eventually found the solution as a founder member of travelcenter … read more

  • Newsletter
  • 0000-00-00

Introducing travelcenter.africa®!

We offer travel software which automates the the front and backend of any travel agency.

We choose to operate in Sub-Saharan Africa because we follow our hearts.

Our Purpose:

To leapfrog travel software in Sub Saharan Africa to world standards.

Our software functionality: